الظاهر للخدمات الزراعية

Acipan 50 EC

Type and composition:

Insecticide contain 48% w/v chlorpyrifos in the form Emulsifiable concentrate (EC)

Mode Of Action:

Non-systemic insecticide with contact, stomach, and respiratory action.

Advantage & Properties: 

Aciban: Control many of Agriculture insect such as: Coleoptera, Diptera, Homoptera and Lepidoptera in soil or on foliage in many crops.

Aciban: Use on pome fruit, stone fruit, citrus and other crop.

Aciban: incompatible with alkaline material.

Aciban: Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended. Poinsettias, azaleas, camellias, and roses may be injured.

 Package: 100 ml /250 ml/1 L

Cymbaz 20 EC

Type and composition:

Insecticide contain 20 % w/v cypermethrin in the form Emulsifiable concentrate (EC)

Mode Of Action:

Non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. Also exhibits anti-feeding action. Good residual activity on treated plants.

Advantage & Properties: 

Cymbaz 20 :pyrethroid insecticide, effective to control many of insect such as: worms, aphids, leaf hopper and other insect.

Cymbaz 20: Use on fruit trees, vegetable and other crop.

Cymbaz 20: compatible with commonly used insecticides fungicides except that which have alkaline effect, Advised to sure each case when mixing.

Cymbaz 20: Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended.

 Package: 100 ml /250 ml/1 L

Acidor 20 SL

Type and composition:

Insecticide contain 20 % w/v imidacloprid in the form Soluble liquid (SL) .

Mode Of Action:

Systemic insecticide with translaminar activity and with contact and stomach action. Readily taken up by the plant and further distributed acropetally, with good rootsystemic action. 

Advantage & Properties: 

Acidor : Control many of Agriculture insect special sucking insect such as: aphids, leaf hopper, thrips, whitefly, has No effect on spider mite and nematodes. 

Acidor : use as foliar treatment in different crops, to control the sucking insect, those that make tunnels and beetle, with leaves residual activity to kill this insect.   Acidor: Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended.

Acidor : Use on fruit trees, vegetable and ornamental plant.

Acidor : mix with common insecticide and fungicide, but use the mixing immediately.

Acidor : Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended. 

 Package: 100 ml /250 ml/1 L

Acimic 18 EC

Type and composition:

Insecticide – miticide contain 1.8 % w/v Abamectin in the form Emulsifiable concentrate (EC)

Mode Of Action:

Insecticide and miticide with contact and stomach action. Has limited plant systemic activity, but exhibits translaminar movement.

Advantage & Properties: 

Acimic :  effective to control mite and leaf miner

Acidor : use as foliar treatment in different crops, to control the sucking insect, those that make tunnels and beetle, with leaves residual activity to kill this insect.   Acidor: Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended.

Acidor : Use on some of vegetable plant and ornamental plant. 

Acidor : compatible with most of insecticide, but work experience mixing before generalization spray

Acidor :  Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended.  

 Package: 100 ml /250 ml/1 L

Alfasuper 10 EC

Type and composition:

Insecticide contain 10 % w/v Alpha- cypermethrin in the form Emulsifiable concentrate (EC).

Mode Of Action:

Non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action.

Advantage & Properties: 

Acimic :  is the third generation of the synthetic pyrethroides which controls a wide range of chewing and sucking insects.

Acidor : Use on fruit trees, vegetable and other crop.

Acidor : compatible with most of insecticide, fungicide and acaricide, except alkaline material. 

Acidor : Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended. 

 Package: 100 ml /250 ml/1 L

Amire 1% G

Type and composition:

Insecticide contains 1 % w/w imidaclopride in the form Granules (G).

Mode Of Action:

Systemic insecticide with translaminar activity and with contact and stomach action. Readily taken up by the plant and further distributed acropetally, with good root-systemic action.

Advantage & Properties: 

Amire 1% : effective against many of sucking insects, chewing insect and other insect

Amire 1%  : used to control biting insect and sucking insect.

Amire 1%  : Used on pome fruit, stone fruit, some of vegetables and ornamental plant

Amire 1% Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended.  

Package: 500 gm

Amire 5% G​

Type and composition:

Insecticide contains 5 % w/w imidaclopride in the form Granules (G).

Mode Of Action:

Systemic insecticide with translaminar activity and with contact and stomach action. Readily taken up by the plant and further distributed acropetally, with good root-systemic action. 

Advantage & Properties: 

Amire 5% : effective against many of sucking insects, chewing insect and other insect

Amire 5% : Used on vegetables, fruit trees and ornamental plant.

Amire 5% : incompatible with other type of pesticide.

Amire 5%: Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended.

Package: 500 gm

Amizol 5 EC

Type and composition:

Fungicide contain 5 % w/v Hexaconazole in the form Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)

Mode Of Action:

Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action.

Advantage & Properties: 

Amizol : Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action, it controls many of fungal disease such as: powdery mildew, rust, brown rot, black rot, scab and other disease.

Amizol  : Use on many of agricultural crop such as: Apple, pear, almond, apricot, peach, cherry, plum, grape, tomato, pepper, cucumber and ornamental plant. 

Amizol compatible with other insecticide except alkaline materials, preferably work experience mixing initially. 

Amizol Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended. May be affect on apple variety. 

 Package: 100 ml /250 ml/1 L

Acigate 48 SL

Type and composition:

Herbicide. Containing Glyphosate 48 % w/v in form Soluble concentrate (SL) 

Mode Of Action:

Non-selective systemic herbicide, absorbed by the foliage, with rapid translocation throughout the plant. Inactivated on contact with soil.

Advantage & Properties: 

Acigate 48 : Non-Selective systemic herbicide readily absorbed by the foliage
Translocation throughout the plant. Inactivated on contact with soil.

Acigate 48 : Control of great variety of annual,biennial and perennial and broadleaved weeds.

Acigate 48Has no preplanting effect, therefore crops could be planted after soil treatment

Acigate 48Mixing with other herbicides may reduce the activity of glyphosate.

 Package: 5 L/ 1 L / 250 ml