Acipan 50 EC
Type and composition:
Insecticide contain 48% w/v chlorpyrifos in the form Emulsifiable concentrate (EC)
Mode Of Action:
Non-systemic insecticide with contact, stomach, and respiratory action.
Advantage & Properties:
Aciban: Control many of Agriculture insect such as: Coleoptera, Diptera, Homoptera and Lepidoptera in soil or on foliage in many crops.
Aciban: Use on pome fruit, stone fruit, citrus and other crop.
Aciban: incompatible with alkaline material.
Aciban: Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended. Poinsettias, azaleas, camellias, and roses may be injured.
Package: 100 ml /250 ml/1 L
Cymbaz 20 EC
Type and composition:
Insecticide contain 20 % w/v cypermethrin in the form Emulsifiable concentrate (EC)
Mode Of Action:
Non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. Also exhibits anti-feeding action. Good residual activity on treated plants.
Advantage & Properties:
Cymbaz 20 :pyrethroid insecticide, effective to control many of insect such as: worms, aphids, leaf hopper and other insect.
Cymbaz 20: Use on fruit trees, vegetable and other crop.
Cymbaz 20: compatible with commonly used insecticides fungicides except that which have alkaline effect, Advised to sure each case when mixing.
Cymbaz 20: Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended.
Package: 100 ml /250 ml/1 L
Acidor 20 SL
Type and composition:
Insecticide contain 20 % w/v imidacloprid in the form Soluble liquid (SL) .
Mode Of Action:
Systemic insecticide with translaminar activity and with contact and stomach action. Readily taken up by the plant and further distributed acropetally, with good rootsystemic action.
Advantage & Properties:
Acidor : Control many of Agriculture insect special sucking insect such as: aphids, leaf hopper, thrips, whitefly, has No effect on spider mite and nematodes.
Acidor : use as foliar treatment in different crops, to control the sucking insect, those that make tunnels and beetle, with leaves residual activity to kill this insect. Acidor: Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended.
Acidor : Use on fruit trees, vegetable and ornamental plant.
Acidor : mix with common insecticide and fungicide, but use the mixing immediately.
Acidor : Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended.
Package: 100 ml /250 ml/1 L
Acimic 18 EC
Type and composition:
Insecticide – miticide contain 1.8 % w/v Abamectin in the form Emulsifiable concentrate (EC)
Mode Of Action:
Insecticide and miticide with contact and stomach action. Has limited plant systemic activity, but exhibits translaminar movement.
Advantage & Properties:
Acimic : effective to control mite and leaf miner
Acidor : use as foliar treatment in different crops, to control the sucking insect, those that make tunnels and beetle, with leaves residual activity to kill this insect. Acidor: Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended.
Acidor : Use on some of vegetable plant and ornamental plant.
Acidor : compatible with most of insecticide, but work experience mixing before generalization spray
Acidor : Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended.
Package: 100 ml /250 ml/1 L
Alfasuper 10 EC
Type and composition:
Insecticide contain 10 % w/v Alpha- cypermethrin in the form Emulsifiable concentrate (EC).
Mode Of Action:
Non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action.
Advantage & Properties:
Acimic : is the third generation of the synthetic pyrethroides which controls a wide range of chewing and sucking insects.
Acidor : Use on fruit trees, vegetable and other crop.
Acidor : compatible with most of insecticide, fungicide and acaricide, except alkaline material.
Acidor : Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended.
Package: 100 ml /250 ml/1 L
Amire 1% G
Type and composition:
Insecticide contains 1 % w/w imidaclopride in the form Granules (G).
Mode Of Action:
Systemic insecticide with translaminar activity and with contact and stomach action. Readily taken up by the plant and further distributed acropetally, with good root-systemic action.
Advantage & Properties:
Amire 1% : effective against many of sucking insects, chewing insect and other insect
Amire 1% : used to control biting insect and sucking insect.
Amire 1% : Used on pome fruit, stone fruit, some of vegetables and ornamental plant
Amire 1% : Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended.
Package: 500 gm
Amire 5% G
Type and composition:
Insecticide contains 5 % w/w imidaclopride in the form Granules (G).
Mode Of Action:
Systemic insecticide with translaminar activity and with contact and stomach action. Readily taken up by the plant and further distributed acropetally, with good root-systemic action.
Advantage & Properties:
Amire 5% : effective against many of sucking insects, chewing insect and other insect
Amire 5% : Used on vegetables, fruit trees and ornamental plant.
Amire 5% : incompatible with other type of pesticide.
Amire 5%: Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended.
Package: 500 gm
Amizol 5 EC
Type and composition:
Fungicide contain 5 % w/v Hexaconazole in the form Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Mode Of Action:
Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action.
Advantage & Properties:
Amizol : Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action, it controls many of fungal disease such as: powdery mildew, rust, brown rot, black rot, scab and other disease.
Amizol : Use on many of agricultural crop such as: Apple, pear, almond, apricot, peach, cherry, plum, grape, tomato, pepper, cucumber and ornamental plant.
Amizol : compatible with other insecticide except alkaline materials, preferably work experience mixing initially.
Amizol : Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended. May be affect on apple variety.
Package: 100 ml /250 ml/1 L
Acigate 48 SL
Type and composition:
Herbicide. Containing Glyphosate 48 % w/v in form Soluble concentrate (SL)
Mode Of Action:
Non-selective systemic herbicide, absorbed by the foliage, with rapid translocation throughout the plant. Inactivated on contact with soil.
Advantage & Properties:
Acigate 48 : Non-Selective systemic herbicide readily absorbed by the foliage
Translocation throughout the plant. Inactivated on contact with soil.
Acigate 48 : Control of great variety of annual,biennial and perennial and broadleaved weeds.
Acigate 48: Has no preplanting effect, therefore crops could be planted after soil treatment
Acigate 48: Mixing with other herbicides may reduce the activity of glyphosate.
Package: 5 L/ 1 L / 250 ml